Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Great Depression Essay - 747 Words
The Great Depression From black Thursday on October 24, 1929, to December 7, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor, America endured many changes concerning The Great Depression. From the Hooveradministration to Franklin D. Roosevelt; the desperate economic condition threatening the United States in the late twenties and thirties only grew worse. The United States was in total economic failure; the previous presidents did nothing to improve our nations status; although, with the election of Roosevelt in 1932 and his unique New Deal coming to office, America was to be radically transformed. This new legislature, although affecting just a small percentage of the population, maintained economic†¦show more content†¦Millions of citizens took advantage of these benefits, and under the NIRA, enjoyed the freedoms and being able to create unions. Under the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933, even the small population of farmers was recognized by Roosevelts legislation. The AAA created more compe tition by forcing farmers to limit their crop size, thus introducing more farmers for lower prices. Yet, even all of these attempts did not actually help the United States get out of the Depression; America added over six billion dollars to the debt. Although physically the first 100 days of Franklin Roosevelt damaged our economy; in the minds of the citizens, America was improving (Doc D) - there were jobs, food, and money to be collected. Next, legislation was passed to allow the federal government to become an effective regulator in society. The implementation of the new laws controlled businesses and wages, and effectively managed the economy. Franklin D. Roosevelt did an excellent job to leave no one out of his regulation, thus not being able to be criticized by his opposition. Perhaps his biggest gain in popularity with the American people was with the signing of the Social Security Act, which helped the elderly by giving them a monthly check of a set wage (Doc E). With that money, they could purchase the basic necessities of survivalShow MoreRelatedThe Depression Of The Great Depression1223 Words  | 5 Pagesfar-reaching consequences as the Great Depression. This experience was the most extended and severe depression of the Western world. It was an economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. A large amount of America’s labor force lost their jobs and suffered during this crisis. Duri ng the nation’s financial disaster, Franklin Delano Roosevelt became president and made extensive changes to America’s political structure. The effects of the Great Depression had lasting consequences that areRead MoreThe Depression Of The Great Depression1232 Words  | 5 Pagespeople think that the stock crash was to blame for the Great Depression but that is not correct. Both the crash and depression were the result of problems with the economy that were still underneath society s minds. The depression affected people in a series of ways: poverty is spreading causing farm distress, unemployment, health, family stresses and unfortunately, discrimination increases. America tended to blame Hoover for the depression and all the problems. When the 1932 election came peopleRead MoreThe Great Depression Essay1390 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: The world had faced two main economic problems. The first one was the Great Depression in the early of 20th Century. The second was the recent international financial crisis in 2008. The United States and Europe suffered severely for a long time from the great depression. The great depression was a great step and changed completely the economic policy making and the economic thoughts. It was not only an economic situation bit it was also miserable making, made people more attentionRead MoreThe Great Depression1292 Words  | 6 PagesBefore the crash Before the start of the great depression the United States was a country of great economic wealth, with new technology being invented and a boom in industry. Due to a boom in America’s Industry because of World War One the economy was at an all-time high with a tremendous amount of prosperity. Following the end of world war one the industrial might that America had was being used for peaceful, domestic purposes instead of being used for violence and war. New technologies like carsRead MoreThe Depression Of The Great Depression2071 Words  | 9 PagesPaul Von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler Chancellor on the 30th January 1933. The Depression did play a vital role in this, however other factors such as the Nazis propaganda, the resentment of the Weimar republic and the political situation of 1932-1933 also contributed to his success. Before the Great Depression, the Nazis gained 12 seats and 2.6% of the vote in the May election of 1928. Despite this, by July 1932, Hitler gained 230 seats and 37.3% of the vote in the Reichstag. This is a dramaticRead MoreThe Great Depression1731 Words  | 7 PagesThe 1920’s was a decade of discovery for America. As mentioned in â€Å"who was roaring in the twenties? â€â€Origins of the great depression,†by Robert S. McElvaine America suffered with the great depression due to several factors but it managed to stay prosperous at the end. In â€Å"America society and culture in the 1920’s,†by David A. Shannon there was much more to the great depression. It was a time of prosperity an economic change. Women and men were discovering who they were and their value to societyRead MoreThe Great Depression1551 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Depression was one of the most devastating events recorded in history. The nation as a whole plummeted in one econ omic downfall. Few individuals escaped the effects of the depression. The hardship of unemployment and the loss of homes and farms were a large portion of the pain caused by the economic crisis. Through all of these sufferings, women had a large impact on society. Women faced heavy discrimination and social criticism during the Depression Even though through research it is provenRead MoreThe Great Depression1186 Words  | 5 Pagesfriends is the true definition of of what the Great Depression really was. It was a time that most people want to never remember or ever happen again. You would think the United States would have learned from their mistakes but it seems we are going down the same road once again without even taking a step back and realizing it. When people talk about the Great Depression not a single person will have anything good to say about it. It caused families a great deal of pain that they will never forget. WithRead MoreThe Great Depression1368 Words  | 6 PagesAfter WW1 the Great Depression had a very late impact on the major film companies in France, when it did, it unfortunately caused several film studios to go bankrupt, then in the late 1920’s to 1930’s many small film companies and groups emerged giving birth to the tendency called poetic realism. Because the large companies who made films with a focus on making money were gone the filmmakers and artists were able to concern themselves with the art of film, they often took poetic innovations thatRead MoreThe Great Depression1133 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,†is a famous quote once said during the Great Depression by Franklin D. Roosevelt. After one world war, great financial fallout, and another world war to follow, the twentieth century was already shaping out to be a handful. When the Great Depression was coming to an end and the economy was trying to turn around, jobs started opening up and a new wave of imm igrants came into New York, the Puerto Ricans. For some the American dream was to come to
Monday, December 23, 2019
International Trade, Asia, Latin America Or From Any Other...
1. ABOUT INTERNATIONAL TRADE. How is it possible that I can go to a supermarket and buy products from Africa, Asia, Latin America or from any other country? Today, this is possible thanks to international trade. International trade is a term referred to the exchange of goods and services across international borders or, in other words, between different nations. In almost every country, international trade represents a large share of the gross domestic product (GDP). Global trade allows people to experience or consume goods and services that are not offered in their home countries. Foreign products like food, wine, clothes, currencies, stocks, and so on can be found on the international market. Not only products are traded across the†¦show more content†¦Countries have been trading goods and services for at least, more than nine thousand years despite the numerous issues that trading all over the world had by then. Nowadays, international trade is recognised as one of the pillars in which global economy is based on. International trade is directly responsible for most of the evolution and the welfare of the modern and industrialised world in which we live. Both goods and services are imported because of several reasons. Foreign goods can be better, cheaper, easier to access or just more attractive than local products. Normally the need of importing is motivated because there are no locally produced goods that can act as an alternative product. This makes imports essential for the growth of a country. A clear example of this urge of foreign produced goods is Japan. They lack of oil reserves and are forced to import the 100% of the oil that they consume. The international trade brought specialisation and labour division alongside with economic development for trading countries as noted by Adam Smith â€Å"Men are much more likely to discover easier methods when the whole attention of their mind is directed towards that single object that when it is dissipated among a great variety of things†(The Wealth of Nations, 1776). 1. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE. International trade has side effects on the economic
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Forrest Gump Chapter One Free Essays
string(160) " maybe it would hep me to be like everbody else, but after I been there a little wile they come an told Mama I ought’n to be in there with everbody else\." Chapter One Let me say this: bein a idiot is no box of chocolates. People laugh, lose patience, treat you shabby. Now they says folks sposed to be kind to the afflicted, but let me tell you  it ain’t always that way. We will write a custom essay sample on Forrest Gump Chapter One or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even so, I got no complaints, cause I reckon I done live a pretty interestin life, so to speak. I been a idiot since I was born. My IQ is near 70, which qualifies me, so they say. Probly, tho, I’m closer to bein a imbecile or maybe even a moron, but personally, I’d rather think of mysef as like a halfwit, or somethin  an not no idiot  cause when people think of a idiot, more’n likely they be thinkin of one of them Mongolian idiots  the ones with they eyes too close together what look like Chinamen an drool a lot an play with theyselfs. Now I’m slow  I’ll grant you that, but I’m probly a lot brighter than folks think, cause what goes on in my mind is a sight different than what folks see. For instance, I can think things pretty good, but when I got to try sayin or writin them, it kinda come out like jello or somethin. I’ll show you what I mean. The other day, I’m walkin down the street an this man was out workin in his yard. He’d got hissef a bunch of shrubs to plant an he say to me, â€Å"Forrest, you wanna earn some money?†an I says, â€Å"Uh-huh,†an so he sets me to movin dirt. Damn near ten or twelve wheelbarrows of dirt, in the heat of the day, truckin it all over creation. When I’m thru he reach in his pocket for a dollar. What I shoulda done was raised Cain about the low wages, but instead, I took the damn dollar an all I could say was â€Å"thanks†or somethin dumb-soundin like that, an I went on down the street, waddin an unwaddin that dollar in my hand, feelin like a idiot. You see what I mean? Now I know somethin bout idiots. Probly the only thing I do know bout, but I done read up on em  all the way from that Doy-chee-eveskie guy’s idiot, to King Lear’s fool, an Faulkner’s idiot, Benjie, an even ole Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird  now he was a serious idiot. The one I like best tho is ole Lennie in Of Mice an Men. Mos of them writer fellers got it straight  cause their idiots always smarter than people give em credit for. Hell, I’d agree with that. Any idiot would. Hee Hee. When I was born, my mama name me Forrest, cause of General Nathan Bedford Forrest who fought in the Civil War. Mama always said we was kin to General Forrest’s fambly someways. An he was a great man, she say, cept’n he started up the Ku Klux Klan after the war was over an even my grandmama say they’s a bunch of no-goods. Which I would tend to agree with, cause down here, the Grand Exalted Pishposh, or whatever he calls hissef, he operate a gun store in town an once, when I was maybe twelve year ole, I were walkin by there and lookin in the winder an he got a big hangman’s noose strung up inside. When he seen me watchin, he done thowed it around his own neck an jerk it up like he was hanged an let his tongue stick out an all so’s to scare me. I done run off and hid in a parkin lot behin some cars til somebody call the police an they come an take me home to my mama. So whatever else ole General Forrest done, startin up that Klan thing was not a good i dea  any idiot could tell you that. Nonetheless, that’s how I got my name. My mama is a real fine person. Everbody says that. My daddy, he got kilt just after I’s born, so I never known him. He worked down to the docks as a longshoreman an one day a crane was takin a big net load of bananas off one of them United Fruit Company boats an somethin broke an the bananas fell down on my daddy an squashed him flat as a pancake. One time I heard some men talkin bout the accident  say it was a helluva mess, half ton of all them bananas an my daddy squished underneath. I don’t care for bananas much myself, cept for banana puddin. I like that all right. My mama got a little pension from the United Fruit people an she took in boarders at our house, so we got by okay. When I was little, she kep me inside a lot, so as the other kids wouldn’t bother me. In the summer afternoons, when it was real hot, she used to put me down in the parlor an pull the shades so it was dark an cool an fix me a pitcher of limeade. Then she’d set there an talk to me, jus talk on an on bout nothin in particular, like a person’ll talk to a dog or cat, but I got used to it an liked it cause her voice made me feel real safe an nice. At first, when I’s growin up, she’d let me go out an play with everbody, but then she foun out they’s teasing me an all, an one day a boy hit me in the back with a stick wile they was chasin me an it raised some fearsome welt. After that, she tole me not to play with them boys anymore. I started tryin to play with the girls but that weren’t much better, cause they all run away from me. Mama thought it would be good for me to go to the public school cause maybe it would hep me to be like everbody else, but after I been there a little wile they come an told Mama I ought’n to be in there with everbody else. You read "Forrest Gump Chapter One" in category "Essay examples" They let me finish out first grade tho. Sometimes I’d set there wile the teacher was talkin an I don’t know what was going on in my mind, but I’d start lookin out the winder at the birds an squirrels an things that was climbin an settin in a big ole oak tree outside, an then the teacher’d come over an fuss at me. Sometimes, I’d just get this real strange thing come over me an start shoutin an all, an then she’d make me go out an set on a bench in the hall. An the other kids, they’d never play with me or nothin, cept’n to chase me or get me to start hollerin so’s they could laugh at me  all cept Jenny Curran, who at least did n’t run away from me an sometimes she’d let me walk nex to her goin home after class. But the next year, they put me in another sort of school, an let me tell you, it was wierd. It was like they’d gone aroun collectin all the funny fellers they coud find an put em all together, rangin from my age an younger to big ole boys bout sixteen or seventeen. They was retards of all kinds an spasmos an kids that couldn’t even eat or go to the toilet by theyselfs. I was probly the best of the lot. They was one big fat boy, musta been fourteen or so, an he was afflicted with some kinda thing made him shake like he’s in the electric chair or somethin. Miss Margaret, our teacher, made me go in the bathroom with him when he had to go, so’s he wouldn’t do nothin wierd. He done it anyway, tho. I didn’t know no way of stoppin him, so I’d just lock mysef in one of the stalls and stay there till he’s thru, an walk him back to the class. I stayed in that school for about five or six years. It wadn’t all bad tho. They’d let us paint with our fingers an make little things, but mostly, it jus teachin us how to do stuff like tie up our shoes an not slobber food or get wild an yell an holler an thow shit aroun. They wadn’t no book learnin to speak of  cept to show us how to read street signs an things like the difference between the Men’s an the Ladies’ rooms. With all them serious nuts in there, it woulda been impossible to conduct anythin more’n that anyway. Also, I think it was for the purpose of keepin us out of everbody else’s hair. Who the hell wants a bunch of retards runnin aroun loose? Even I could understand that. When I got to be thirteen, some pretty unusual things begun to happen. First off, I started to grow. I grew six inches in six months, an my mama was all the time havin to let out my pants. Also, I commenced to grow out. By the time I was sixteen I was six foot six an weighed two hundrit forty-two pounds. I know that cause they took me in an weighed me. Said they jus couldn’t believe it. What happen nex caused a real change in my life. One day I’m strollin down the street on the way home from nut school, an a car stop longside of me. This guy call me over an axed my name. I tole him, an then he axed what school I go to, an how come he ain’t seen me aroun. When I tell him bout the nut school, he axed if I’d ever played football. I shook my head. I guess I mighta tole him I’d seen kids playin it, but they’d never let me play. But like I said, I ain’t too good at long conversation, an so I jus shook my head. That was about two weeks after school begun again. Three days or so later, they come an got me outta the nut school. My mama was there, an so was the guy in the car an two other people what look like goons  who I guess was present in case I was to start somethin. They took all the stuff outta my desk an put it in a brown paper bag an tole me to say goodbye to Miss Margaret, an alls of a sudden she commence to start cryin an give me a big ole hug. Then I got to say goodbye to all the other nuts, an they was droolin an spasmoin an beatin on the desks with they fists. An then I was gone. Mama rode up in the front seat with the guy an I set in back in between them goons, jus like police done in them ole movies when they took you â€Å"downtown.†Cept we didn’t go downtown. We went to the new highschool they had built. When we got there they took me inside to the principal’s office an Mama an me an the guy went in wile the two goons waited in the hall. The principal was an ole gray-haired man with a stain on his tie an baggy pants who look like he coulda come outta the nut school hissef. We all sat down an he begun splainin things an axein me questions, an I just nodded my head, but what they wanted was for me to play football. That much I figgered out on my own. Turns out the guy in the car was the football coach, name of Fellers. An that day I didn’t go to no class or nothin, but Coach Fellers, he took me back to the locker room an one of the goons rounded me up a football suit with all them pads an stuff an a real nice plastic helmet with a thing in front to keep my face from gettin squished in. The only thing was, they couldn’t find no shoes to fit me, so’s I had to use my sneakers till they could order the shoes. Coach Fellers an the goons got me dressed up in the football suit, an then they made me undress again, an then do it all over again, ten or twenty times, till I could do it by mysef. One thing I had trouble with for a wile was that jockstrap thing  cause I couldn’t see no real good reason for wearing it. Well, they tried splainin it to me, an then one of the goons says to the other that I’m a â€Å"dummy†or somethin like that, an I guess he thought I wouldn’t understand him, but I did, on account of I pay special attention to that kind of shit. Not that it hurt my feelins. Hell, I been called a sight worse than that. But I took notice of it, nonetheless. After a wile a bunch of kids started comin into the locker room an takin out they football stuff and gettin into it. Then we all went outside an Coach Fellers got everbody together an he stood me up in front of them an introduced me. He was sayin a bunch of shit that I wadn’t followin real close cause I was haf scared to death, on account of nobody had ever introduced me before to a bunch of strangers. But afterward some of the others come up an shook my hand an say they is glad I am here an all. Then Coach Fellers blowed a whistle, what like to make me leap outta my skin an everbody started jumpin around to get exercise. It’s a kind of long story what all happened nex, but anyway, I begun to play football. Coach Fellers an one of the goons hepped me out special since I didn’t know how to play. We had this thing where you sposed to block people an they were tryin to splain it all, but when we tried it a bunch of times everbody seemed to be gettin disgusted cause I couldn’t remember what I was sposed to do. Then they tried this other thing they call the defense, where they put three guys in front of me an I am sposed to get thru them an grap the guy with the football. The first part was easier, cause I could just shove the other guys’ heads down, but they were unhappy with the way I grapped the guy with the ball, an finally they made me go an tackle a big oak tree about fifteen or twenty times  to get the feel of it, I spose. But after a wile, when they figgered I had learnt somethin from the oak tree, they put me back with the three guys an the ball carrier an then got mad I didn’t jump on him real vicious-like after I moved the others out of the way. I took a lot of abuse that afternoon, but when we quit practicin I went in to see Coach Fellers an tole him I didn’t want to jump on the ball guy cause I was afraid of hurtin him. Coach, he say that it wouldn’t hurt him, cause he was in his football suit an was protected. The truth is, I wasn’t s o much afraid of hurtin him as I was that he’d get mad at me an they’d start chasin me again if I wadn’t real nice to everbody. To make a long story short, it took me a wile to get the hang of it all. Meantime I got to go to class. In the nut school, we really didn’t have that much to do, but here they was far more serious about things. Somehow, they had worked it out so’s I had three homeroom classes where you jus set there an did whatever you wanted, an then three other classes where there was a lady who was teachin me how to read. Jus the two of us. She was real nice an pretty and more’n once or twice I had nasty thoughts about her. Miss Henderson was her name. About the only class I liked was lunch, but I guess you couldn’t call that a class. At the nut school, my mama would fix me a sambwich an a cookie an a piece of fruit  cept no bananas  an I’d take it to school with me. But in this school they was a cafeteria with nine or ten different things to eat an I’d have trouble makin up my mind what I wanted. I think somebody must of said somethin, cause after a week or so Coach Fellers come up to me an say to just go ahead an eat all I wanted cause it been â€Å"taken care of.†Hot damn! Guess who should be in my homeroom class but Jenny Curran. She come up to me in the hall an say she remember me from first grade. She was all growed up now, with pretty black hair an she was long-legged an had a beautiful face, an they was other things too, I dare not mention. The football was not goin exactly to the likin of Coach Fellers. He seemed displeased a lot an was always shoutin at people. He shouted at me too. They tried to figger out some way for me to just stay put an keep other folks from grappin our guy carryin the ball, but that didn’t work cept when they ran the ball right up the middle of the line. Coach was not too happy with my tacklin neither, an let me tell you, I spent a lot of time at that oak tree. But I just couldn’t get to where I would thow mysef at the ball guy like they wanted me to do. Somethin kep me from it. Then one day a event happen that changed all that too. In the cafeteria I had started gettin my food and goin over to set nex to Jenny Curran. I wouldn’t say nothin, but she was jus bout the only person in the school I knew halfways, an it felt good setting there with her. Most of the time she didn’t pay me no attention, an talked with other people. At first I’d been settin with some of the football players, but they acted like I was invisible or somethin. At least Jenny Curran acted like I was there. But after a wile of this, I started to notice this other guy was there a lot too, an he starts makin wisecracks bout me. Sayin shit like â€Å"How’s Dumbo?†an all. And this gone on for a week or two, an I was sayin nothin, but finally I says  I can’t hardly believe I said it even now  but I says, â€Å"I ain’t no Dumbo,†an the guy jus looked at me an starts laughin. An Jenny Curran, she say to the guy to keep quie t, but he takes a carton of milk an pours it in my lap an I jump up an run out cause it scares me. A day or so later, that guy come up to me in the hall an says he’s gonna â€Å"get†me. All day I was afraid terribily, an later that afternoon, when I was leaving to go to the gym, there he is, with a bunch of his friends. I tried to go the other way, but he come up to me an start pushin me on the shoulders. An he’s sayin all kinds of bad things, callin me a â€Å"stupo†an all, an then he hit me in the stomach. It didn’t hurt so much, but I was startin to cry and I turned an begun to run, an heard him behind me an the others was runnin after me too. I jus run as fast as I could toward the gym, across the practice football field an suddenly I seen Coach Fellers, settin up in the bleachers watchin me. The guys who was chasin me stop and go away, an Coach Fellers, he has got this real peculiar look on his face, an tell me to get suited up right away. A wile later, he come in the locker room with these plays drawn on a piece of paper  three of them  an say for me to memorize them best I can. That afternoon at the football practice, he line everbody up in two teams an suddenly the quarterback give me the ball an I’m sposed to run outside the right end of the line to the goalpost. When they all start chasin me, I run fast as I can  it was seven or eight of them before they could drag me down. Coach Fellers is mighty happy; jumpin up and down an yellin an slappin everbody on the back. We’d run a lot of races before, to see how fast we could run, but I get a lot faster when I’m bein chased, I guess. What idiot wouldn’t? Anyway, I become a lot more popular after that, an the other guys on the team started bein nicer to me. We had our first game an I was scared to death, but they give me the ball an I run over the goal line two or three times an people never been kinder to me after that. That highschool certainly begun to change things in my life. It even got to where I liked to run with the football, cept it was mostly that they made me run aroun the sides cause I still couldn’t get to where I liked to just run over people like you do in the middle. One of the goons comments that I am the largest highschool halfback in the entire world. I do not think he mean it as a compliment. Otherwise, I was learnin to read a lot better with Miss Henderson. She give me Tom Sawyer an two other books I can’t remember, an I took them home an read em all, but then she give me a test where I don’t do so hot. But I sure enjoyed them books. After a wile, I went back to settin nex to Jenny Curran in the cafeteria, an there weren’t no more trouble for a long time, but then one day in the springtime I was walkin home from school and who should appear but the boy that poured that milk in my lap an chased me that day. He got hissef a stick an start callin me things like â€Å"moron†and â€Å"stupo.†Some other people was watchin an then along comes Jenny Curran, an I’m bout to take off again  but then, for no reason I know, I jus didn’t do it. That feller take his stick an poke me in the stomach with it, an I says to mysef, the hell with this, an I grapped a holt to his arm an with my other hand I knock him upside the head an that was the end of that, more or less. That night my mama get a phone call from the boy’s parents, say if I lay a han on their son again they is goin to call the authorities an have me â€Å"put away.†I tried to splain it to my mama an she say she understand, but I could tell she was worried. She tell me that since I am so huge now, I got to watch mysef, cause I might hurt somebody. An I nodded an promised her I wouldn’t hurt nobody else. That night when I lyin in bed I heard her cryin to hersef in her room. But what that did for me, knockin that boy upside the head, put a definate new light on my football playin. Next day, I axed Coach Fellers to let me run the ball straight on and he say okay, an I run over maybe four or five guys till I’m in the clear an they all had to start chasin me again. That year I made the All State Football team. I couldn’t hardly believe it. My mama give me two pair of socks an a new shirt on my birthday. An she done saved up an bought me a new suit that I wore to get the All State Football award. First suit I ever had. Mama tied my tie for me an off I went. How to cite Forrest Gump Chapter One, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Finding Athena free essay sample
Coffee hits the bloodstream like an elixir, and again starts another day like most days of lethargy: classes, exams, high school. It’s not that I don’t love it, I do. I love holding a new book in my hands, daunting and unbelievable lists of classics and bestsellers, learning about everything from women’s rights to international culture to subculture of entertainment. But there’s so much you take from five days of school and ten hours of studying each day. There are so many capes I’ve put on: girl, scholar, otaku (Japanese for comic/anime-book geek), etc. It seems that whenever I surprise someone I surprise myself. A burst of laughter or unexpected expletive manages to register higher on the social Richter scale than a hidden tattoo or dropped mutilated frog (which is actually pretty common for a co-ed bio class.) Yet I’ve managed to become a girl who forgets to smile, who seems to take herself too seriously, too quiet to be anything but nice. We will write a custom essay sample on Finding Athena or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sometimes, when I come home, I realize just how long I’ve held my breath, how my face had turned to clay from my own carving. Sometimes, you need to take off your own mask. But, soon night creeps over, like a shadowy cloak, sporting a few sequins called stars and one moon. Water runs down my throat, scentless, tasteless, unperceptively vital and powerful. Donning pants that seem whiter than kabuki makeup while a dark belt encompasses my waist. There is no Gotham and there is certainly no Batman. There are no special gadgets or secret bat caves. But just two blocks away, is a small place with transparent walls and warriors inside, already training as I arrive. I step into my Taekwondo studio, alone and ready. It took me 13 years to finally register for martial arts. Years of unrequited efforts toward various athletic activities: tennis, modern dance, hip-hop, etc., had left me feeling embarrassed and inadequate. I had already had a deep respect for sports like karate, but needed the initiative to sign up myself. Martial arts are probably one of the best things left in this world that had such a gorgeous history and mythology and power behind it. Most people think Martial arts is about violence. It isn’t. It’s empowerment; owning your anger, your body, your strength. Martial arts was probably one of the best things left in this world that had such a gorgeous history and mythology and power behind it. Growing up I had no lack of beautiful strong women who encouraged and inspired me to do nothing less than what I was capable of, such as my grandmothers, my sister, and my mother. But growing older and more aware of my society, I see the lack of attention brought to strong, intelligent female depictions without five-inch cleavage or leather. But each year that minority grows larger with more beauty and hope and I hope to become someone inspired by such, or someone who inspires such strength This isn’t some Bruce Lee feature or feminist tirade. Taekwondo was about finding something that was mine, which allowed myself to become something other than a scholar or a twin, but also a warrior, which is always genderless. Strength meant finding and sticking to passion, diligence, and myself.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Movers and Shakers in Education free essay sample
While navigating through the virtual timeline, I found so many interest ting articles to write about, I have chosen the following four events that had an impact on education that affected my life while I was in school and also have helped shape the educational systems during my children’s education in America today. The four articles that I found are: Engle vs. Vitale: 1962; I. D. E. A. : 1990; No Child Left Behind: 2002; and Common Core State Standards: 2009. The first event, Engle vs. Vitale, was about the separation of church from state, this lead to prayer being taken out of schools. People were outraged that official prayers were no longer permitted in schools. Rev. Billy Graham opposes the church and state separation. This was the first case which prohibited the government from sponsoring or endorsing official prayers in school. http://atheism. about. com/od/churchstatedecisions/a/EngleVitale. htm. The second event is I. We will write a custom essay sample on Movers and Shakers in Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page D. E. A. What is I. D. E. A? I. D. E. A. stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act also known as P. L. 108-446 is a Federal program which provides funds to states and local education agencies (school districts) to support education for children with disabilities age 3 to 21, this is part B and Part C which provide`s funds for states to support Early Intervention service for children birth to age 3years. IDEA has very strict guidelines and protections for children to make sure they get the appropriate public education they deserve. They also make sure that students get the same education as students without disabilities. Special education is a service that helps students achieves their individual goals plan. Special education is not like it was 20 years ago; now the students are placed in the mainstream classroom and they don’t pull them out of class to give them special attention. So for the student, and there is a specialist that comes into the class and assist the teacher with their learning process so the students don’t have self esteem problems. This has made a big difference in their grades. My daughter was in special education for the first two years of elementary school and having her evaluated was the best thing I could have done for her in the early years; she had an IEP and this really made a big difference in her performance in speech and with her socialization skills. Today she is nineteen years old she graduated from high school and was the Valedictorian of her class in 2012, now she is studying to become a phlebotomist. This is how her IEP, helped find out what her problems were. What is an IEP; it’s an Individualized Education Program to help diagnose the student’s problems and to see what testing is needs to be done to diagnose her problems. IDEA: 1990 http://www. kidstogether. org/IDEA. htm My third event addresses No Child Left Behind. President George W. Bush signed the bill into law in 2002. People thought that this bill would get us better ratings in school but that didn’t happen. Teachers and parents thought that this law would help future schools in poor neighborhoods and they would be controlled by the state and not by the federal government. I think that our government doesn’t think about where the money comes from when they increase funding for programs and end up closing schools after a few months in operation. There is a catch to receiving governmental funding; they always are seeking something in return for their services in some form or fashion. The government wants new testing or longer school days for students and faculty. Whenever the government is involved, you no longer have your privacy because they have the right to all information in your school files. When you have to close a failing school, this only means that the school system will be transferring student to another school , which would cause over populating other schools and this will create a huge problem in the classrooms. I believe this will create unnecessary stress for the students because they will have to transfer to another school and having to make new friends and get new teachers in the middle of the school year and that would have a huge impact on them to perform to the best of their abilities with so many adjustment to handle in the middle of a school year. My final event is the Common Core State Standards. According to the website http://www. azed. gov/azcommoncore/ , The Arizona Common Core Standards were adopted on June 28, 2010 by The Arizona State Board of Education and will be implemented for the school year 2014-2015. The standards were developed by teachers, education leaders, and experts in their field. According to the website (Achieve,Inc. ,2012), simply put , â€Å"College and career readiness†is the umbrella under which many education and workforce policies, programs and initiatives thrive. †According to an article in the Denver Post September 2011, in Colorado we have the CSAP Testing Program that began in 1997 with the intention to get better results on standardized test that was to improve student’s test scores but that failed. Teachers are teaching how to take test and that results in students falling short on their other required studies. More and more schools are failing because the government believes that if something is worth a try and if what they have already tried has failed, then let us try something new and improved. This is what they should do, get two school districts to do a trial for two years and then compare the results with the other school districts to see how well the two districts did, then if they had failing test scores see which district did better and make your adjustments on those findings. I believe that parent, teachers, and the school boards will be happy with the progress of finding a solution to their problem with standardized testing in the end and everyone will be happy with the outcome and get rid of standardized testing once and for all. COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS: 2009; Movers and Shakers in Education free essay sample Trailblazers in American Education There have been several individuals throughout America’s history who have helped develop, shape, advance, balance, and reform education to what it is today. America’s educational system has a rich background from its roots of one room school houses to our current system of education which offers an array of opportunities for students to obtain a public education. John Dewey John Dewey was an American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Dewey is known as the founder of the progressive education movement. He argued that it was the job of education to encourage individuals to develop their full potential as human beings. Deweys educational theories were presented in a variety of books he authored. Several continuous themes ring true in most of Dewey’s books. They include his frequent argument that education and learning are social and interactive processes, thus school should be considered a social institution where social reform can and ought to take place. We will write a custom essay sample on Movers and Shakers in Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, he believed that students thrive in an environment where they are allowed to experience and interact with the curriculum so all students should have the opportunity to take part in their own learning. He was especially critical of forms of memorization learning where repetition of facts and information was exercised. He argued that children should learn by experience. Rather than just gaining knowledge, Dewey believed that students should develop skills, habits and attitudes necessary for them to solve a wide variety of problems. Dewey’s legacy of the importance of experiential learning remains to this day. There are a number of schools across the United States that follow his theories and methods of teaching. [pic] Alvarez vs. The Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District. The history of school desegregation legislation in the United States did not begin with the 1954 Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Brown vs. he Topeka school board, but rather in a rural community called Lemon Grove located in Southern California. It has recently been discovered that the earliest court cases concerning school desegregation occurred in the American Southwest in the 1930s. In these cases, Mexican immigrants and their communities were the targeted groups of segregation by school officials. A significant case during this era was the 1930 decision in Roberto Alvarez vs. the Board of Trustees of the Lemon Grove School District. This was the first successful school desegregation court decision in the history of the United States. It represents an instance when community members took court action and won their case, despite negative sentiment towards them, to ensure the rights of their children to receive an equal education, making it an important event in both San Diego and U. S. history. The case stands as a credit to the activism of San Diego’s Mexican community who used the public system of justice to ensure that not only Mexican-American children in California, but the rest of the United States had access to a quality education (Alvarez, Jr. , 1984). [pic] Science and Math Education Movement With the launching of Sputnik in October 1957, Americans became extremely fearful that the United States was falling behind in the areas of technology, science, and mathematics. Citizens of the United States feared that their country could see a shortage of trained teachers, engineers, and highly educated students in the near future if something was not done. In response to public pressure, the federal government passed the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) in 1958. The act supported efforts of academic specialists to revise curriculum according to the latest theories and methods. Improvements were made in all subject areas and institutes were held to train teachers in the use of new materials and methods (Webb, Metha, Jordan, 2010). In addition to enhancing the curriculum, the NDEA also funded programs that provided guidance, counseling, and testing programs for students. According to authors Webb, Metha, Jordan, the NDEA set the stage for the federal government’s increased involvement in education (2010). [pic] Out of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) of 1975 came the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1990. These pieces of legislation were a result of the earlier Civil Rights Movement in Education during the 1960s where marginalized groups were fighting for justice and equality within the education system. The federal law, IDEA, was established in 1990. It applies to all children with disabilities from birth to age twenty-one. The statue defines â€Å"disabled children†as those with mental retardation, hearing impairments, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, multiple disabilities, or specific learning disabilities. To receive services under the IDEA, a student must not only have a disability, but the condition also must affect the student’s education. The major principles included in the IDEA are: the right to a free and appropriate education, identification and nondiscriminatory evaluation, an individualized education program (IEP), least restrictive environment, and procedural due process (Webb, et al. , 2010). While the law has transformed and grown over the years, it remains evident in the classroom to this day. It has promoted research and technology development, details on transition programs for post high school students, and programs that educate children in their neighborhood schools instead of separate schools.
Monday, November 25, 2019
What Attracts Readers First to a Book
What Attracts Readers First to a Book I recently posted a Facebook question to 5,000 followers and asked the question: What is the first criteria in your choice of reading material: author, genre, or reputation of the review source? The results werent even close. Out of almost 200 responses, the results were these: Genre = 60% Author = 25% Review = 2% Equally all three = 2% Other = 11% OTHER meant people didnt choose via author, genre or review, and instead chose As for me? Definitely genre first, then author. I will resort to looking at reviews once Im pondering the choice. This simple survey shows that you need to understand your product and market it appropriately. You do not market your book just anywhere, with just anyone. You market it where you think people in your genre will collect, review, and share. Im frequently asked if an author may advertise their book in my newsletters. I refuseunless the book is written directed at writers. Why? Because my readers are writers Theres truth in the mantra know your market. Its how Coke, Nike, and Amazon do so well. You know all those little ads you see on Facebook? Ever marvel how you open a website and they know the last sites where you shopped? Thats marketing to the customer. Thats companies attempting to understand your ways. Thats how you need to think. When you cease writing that book, and its time to market it for sale, stop and contemplate where those readers are. Its why BookBub and Amazon are so darn efficient. They know what you think and put products before your eyes that theyve researched and know you will love. Facebook, blogs, BookBub, any advertising.lead with genre. Stick to genre. Make your ad feel like your genre. Make your website seem like your genre. You can do this.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Against tithing in the modern-day christian church Essay
Against tithing in the modern-day christian church - Essay Example Tithing should not be practiced in the modern-day Church. There are several reasons for this, five good ones being the following: God does not dwell in churches made with human hands; the old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore; there would be less prosperity churches as well as their propaganda; the church can have a different approach towards giving than tithing; and the practice of tithing ended with the last book of the Old Testament in Malachi. These are just a few of the many reasons why tithing should not continue to be practiced in the modern Christian church. Tithing is an outdated notion which only serves to place a burden upon the people who have very little alreadyâ€â€and casts a pall over the church as an organization that is only motivated by money and getting congregation members to handily donate or give to the Church. II. God’s New Covenant Dwells in a Body of Believers, Not a Physical Building Under the new Covenant, God do es not dwell in churches made with human handsâ€â€but rather dwells within a temple that is made of the body of believers. This is significant because Christians should not be focusing entirely on the revenue that a church creates through tithing, but rather make it a situation where people can donate or give openly or anonymouslyâ€â€in whatever fashion they see fit that is in line with church standards. Additionally, now believers under the new Covenant are now God's templeâ€â€and as such, the issue of tithing and giving 10% of one’s income is not an option.... , andâ€â€while people should still be encouraged to give freely to the church if it is within their power to do soâ€â€people should not be bullied into giving such a large portion of their income over to the Church, an obvious fact. III. Christ’s Appearance Abolished the Necessity for Tithing People used to tithe in the church in order to ensure that the Levirate (the priests who were descendants of Levi) were taken care of in order so that they could serve the church. Therefore, ten percent of the peoples’ offerings went to the priesthood. To continue such a practice by supporting pastors with ten percent of one’s income is not only based on a Biblical concept that is now out-of-date, but also unnecessary. The old Covenant cannot justify men through works and righteousness anymore, as Christ has already come. Since Christ came to the world because he loved the worldâ€â€God having given ‘His only [begotten] son’ to pay recompense for the sins of the worldâ€â€it no longer became necessary for the old rule of tithing to continue to stay in place.1 Christ died in order to bring the new Covenant into fruition, thus becoming the fulfillment of the law. People no longer had to abide by doing good works and seeking righteousness in order to secure their place in heaven. That is not saying people should not do good works or continue to live righteouslyâ€â€but works and righteousness are evidences that a Christian is still practicing the faith. These are the fruits of righteousness, which ever Christian should display. This is more important than some fabricated obligation to â€Å"give God 10%.†Christ should be the focus in the Church’s congregation, with every church appropriately divining God’s message as the churches’ missions are developed into full-fledged
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Compare Job and Gilgamesh as suffering heroes, as they search for Essay
Compare Job and Gilgamesh as suffering heroes, as they search for understanding, and come to accept the limits of their human co - Essay Example The Book of Job and the Epic of Gilgamesh were set around the 13th century before Christ, and both stories were placed in the region of ancient Mesopotamia. Both stories have a great deal of religious themes, although the Epic of Gilgamesh leans more on the mythological side while the Book of Job maintains a more spiritual-religious tone and message. It should also be noted that there are differences with regards to the culture of the ancient Sumerians and the Israelites. The ancient Sumerians were very much a polytheistic culture that made a society and civilization that revolved around the worship of its many deities and mythical heroes. Gilgamesh, for example, is taken in high regard of worship by ancient Sumerians. On the other hand, Israelite or Hebrew culture was very monotheistic. The Hebrews believed that there is only one true God, in their language Yahweh or Jehovah, and He is the Lord of everything and His Will is supreme and good. Israelite society centers on this in the sense that they worship no other being or thing other than God Himself, and submit to completely to His Will. In understanding each story’s civilization and cultural background, it would be easier to understand the parallels between the two. The first contrast between the story of Gilgamesh and Job is who the characters are in the nature of their portrayal. According to ancient Sumerian mythological tradition, Gilgamesh is a semi-divine, or demi-god, of extraordinary strength and was also one of the great kings of Uruk. Gilgamesh could be described as a proud, powerful and confident in personality based on his character in the Epics written about him. Gilgamesh is also an adventurer as much as he was a king, and went into many arduous and sometimes dangerous exploits with his man-beast friend Enkidu. To say the least, Gilgamesh was every bit as warrior like as much and kingly. On the other hand, the Hebrew Job is in far contrast to Gilgamesh. Job is a complete human being wit h no supernatural powers. Although not a mighty king Job is considered to be a very wealthy man, with large livestock herds, and a large and healthy family by ancient Hebrew standards. Unlike the ancient Sumerians, the Israelites did not settle is fortified city-kingdoms and were nomadic in nature. Instead, the Israelites would establish nomadic communities on lands that were fertile enough to support the habitation of both people and livestock. Since Job had a healthy and growing number of both livestock and his family, he most certainly had even larger tracts of fertile land for him to support that kind of population. Job would spend most of his time with his family in agriculture and livestock raising, living a pastoral and peaceful life. Now, the reasons why both Job and Gilgamesh were given suffering also differ. In the case of Gilgamesh, it was more of divine retribution. The fact that the exploits of Gilgamesh and Enkidu affected the disposition of the Sumerian deities was of no small matter. It is as Ferguson noted that Gilgamesh is especially proud of his expedition with Enkidu to the cedar mountain in which he killed the guardian and chopped down the sacred cedar†(327). In the case of Job, suffering was brought unto him as a test of his faith to Yahweh and also a test of his character. Gilgamesh lost his closest friend
Monday, November 18, 2019
International Financial Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
International Financial Markets - Essay Example Reasons for this trend are the fiscal stimulus packages, nationalization of private-sector debt, and reduction in tax revenues (Nelson, 2012). While government securities are considered close to risk-free, there have however been worries in 2010 that U.S. municipal bonds may default because of lack of liquidity, a fear which proved unfounded (MeritWealth, 2011). When the government requires high levels of borrowing, it tends to raise the yield on its bonds in order to attract investors. In a low interest environment, high-yield bonds become attractive to investors because the present value of high-yielding bonds makes the bonds more valuable when traded in the open market. However, by increasing the yield on its bonds the government crowds out private business and credit tends to become more costly – that is, added risk premiums increase interest rates over that offered by the government, discouraging private borrowers from resorting to bond financing because of the higher def ault risk involved. The result is a credit crunch that reduces funding to business and slows down productive activity, eventually causing downsizing, lay-offs and company closures. The central bank resorts to quantitative easing to introduce liquidity in the economy to spur nominal spending; this is done by purchasing financial assets from the private sector. The new central bank money used to pay for the assets increases the money held by banks and increases the level of deposits held by private parties. Quantitative easing is seen to help restore the inflation rate to positive levels when the economy is too weak that deflation (negative inflation) threatens to set in (Benford, et al, 2009). As for other developments, retail bond trading (lower-denominated bonds offered to individual investors) is seen as the better alternative to institutional bond trading. Retail had been growing when institutional was shrinking in the past crisis, due to its lower risk (Kite, 2008). Furthermore, emerging market dollar bond issuance has surged to $100 billion in 2012, as investment funds found safer markets in emerging economies little affected by the subprime financial crisis (Natarajan, 2012). Another alternative is sukuk bonds, which are Islamic financial instruments resembling conventional bonds but, consistent with Shariah law, are not debt instruments and do not pay interest. Instead, sukuk are ownership investments representing â€Å"legal/beneficial interest in specified tangible assets and/or services and/or projects.†Sukuk investments yield pre-determined returns, and specifies profit-and-loss sharing between fund user and provider (Adam & Thomas, 2004, p. 54-55). Contingent convertible bonds, also known as CoCo bonds, are a novel way by which banks may raise capital. These are bonds that automatically convert to equity when a particular trigger takes place, such as when the issuer needs money (Pietersz, 2012; . The CoCo mechanism quickly converts temporar y capital (debt capital, which must be paid back) to permanent capital (equity, which however tends to dilute shareholdings). As for the future of securitisation, there is still a great need for developing securities which businesses resort to for hedging and risk management. However, new regulations have been adopted to ensure that the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Fredrick Douglas And Abraham Lincoln
Fredrick Douglas And Abraham Lincoln In my research paper the two parties Douglas and Lincoln has undergone a lot in terms of political differences first Douglas announced that his work was to fight against slavery both in united states and England while Lincoln on the other side could not want to do away with slavery since he believes that it will tear away the union in the government.douglas agenda was to establish political system which will abolish slavery in the union and slavery that should be within the constitution and he believe that involving the local communities in political activities will be infective and it might move domestic violence forefront while on the other side Lincoln admitted that the only way to live is to hold men in slavery since slavery was their in the states. While doulas believe he will change so much republic party into abolitionist party Lincoln viewed that war was the worst scenario he will imagine while Douglas princely wanted what Lincoln did not want. Douglas was owned as the black leader and symbol of his age and he his ago thinker which most of the Americans did not like. Douglas was respected as the father founder in August 10, 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to pin down after Douglas won the game. Now at this point Lincoln starts to change and views towards black has completely and a black was invited to the white house and was respected so much. At this point Douglas respected Lincoln which was now a complete turn around from the public which was announced through newspaper. Relationship between Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The impact between Fredrick and Douglas was based on slavery in USA which has caused both a self-taught fugitive slave.douglas has announced his work as a slavery in America but he proudly announced that both united states and England publishing antislavery newspaper that nothing will ever stop him from fighting against slavery. During elections of Abraham Lincoln for presidency sparked a chain of several events which in one way or another will cause civil war. Lincoln was pushed towards a definitive immediate of policy Douglas for almost four years. Relationship between Douglas and Lincoln was actually announced by correspondence by use of newspaper or public meetings and letters and later they only met during proclamation.Relationship between Douglas and Fredrick went down due to difference in policies and they had tenuous relationship. However their relationship starts to grow and they became profound when the realities of war ended in America slavery which bound the two towards r espect for the other. Douglas his agenda was to establish political system which will abolish slavery. Douglas focused much to end slavery which he thought and said it is only to use political leaders in the government and abolishing the slavery should be within the constitution. It was proved that if the local community and regional activities politics will be infective which was moving very first in terms of politics. Douglas later realizes that if he gives a chance to the third party he will have a even no chance during the campaign because there politics are based on antislavery. The formation of party in 1854 was proved now that it was the good to abolitionists. In the republic party there were some elements like liberty party, free soil party and other antislavery forces which were from democratic and Whig parties. With the combination of several parties the political appeal to Douglas that may be it was the best party to enter white house. Although it was the first to decide may be republic will give him a chance to enter. Douglas was in high fear that no president know how to end slavery which he thought that it was only by preserving peace and union in the nation.Mr. Lincoln admitted that the only way to live is to hold men in slavery since it is existing in the states this was the beginning of harsh criticism and Douglas militants attitudes of Lincoln with the administration. Douglas believes so much that he will turn the republic party into abolitionist party and Lincoln will be abolitionist president. Lincoln was elected to the office but Douglas remains while watching Lincoln in emancipate. Lincoln believe so much in slavery that will bring difference in parties which led to suffering from fatally ambiguous attitude towards negro.Lincoln believe so much that if slavery will end it will bring down sectional conflicts and prevent warfare so according to Lincoln views is that theirs no question of slavery and it will left the public mind rested with the course of ultimate extinction. He insisted that there is no point of world where negro is not entitled to any enumerated in declaration of independence. Abraham took the office in 1861 and he knew the office need a lot of repair. Day by day there was a lot of debating concerning the slavers issues in the whole nation and at this moment Lincoln and Douglas had two different agendas. Lincoln needed president mission war to save union while Douglas need to free slaves and either way to safe the citizens. Lincoln viewed that war was the worst scenario while Douglas precisely wanted what Lincoln did not want regardless to what either two wanted the war did not come both Douglas and Fredric now both openly fought for their causes. Later that year, when the secretary of war simony Cameroon arming slaves within the borders. Lincoln made him to stop the section. Again Lincoln tried to avoid making decisions concerning slavery in may 1862, general David hunter issued order to emancipate all slaves in south military region. Which included south Carolina, Georgia and florida.In 1862 Lincoln announced proclamation revoking general hunter order and he declare that the government of stats does not have knowledge, information, belief, and the proceed which make Lincoln to feel so distressed and from political signed a bill abolishing slavery in district of Colombia, and in may he compiled with general Benjamins policy of contrabands of war which freed by august thousands of slaves run away to butler positon.Lincoln was a good leader who valued legality and he was a politician who moved only when time is right for him to do so..In 1862 it was significant policies of Lincoln administration Lincoln started to recognize iss ues of emancipation and preservation of union. Went hand in hand. Now agendas merge that s military and political agendas.lincoln starts acting towards abolition. Douglas grew more militant with Lincoln administration and kept to push them in direction of emancipation. But Lincoln still stick to preserving union which was the major problem Douglas pressed on to criticism of Lincoln administration s inability to take powerful measure against slavery..Douglas article announce till Lincoln announced of emancipation proclamation .In September 1862, the article tell us more of what expected from Lincoln was so impatient of public Douglas was still waiting for Lincoln to end war of putting the slaves in danger. In September 1862 publication of Douglas monthly article the presidents speeches directly attack in Lincoln character increasing passing making himself appear silly and ridiculous, unacceptable and his illogical statement and unfair it further claim yet to muster courage and honest ly enough to obey and execute his testimonies In the course of war Douglas consider some old conservative policies which he try to starts to bring up the union back together .In 1863 Douglas try to appeal many sides of chaos in the nation but unsuccefully Lincoln leave Douglas frustrated and now Lincoln would celebrate thinking that he has play cards on Douglas. Thinks were not working well to bring nation together so he had make his own bold way and move. During the summer of 1862, Lincoln had talk with the cabinet privately about constitution was thinking it was the best thought to postpone the announcement of the Proclamation until the country was supported by military success. In august 10 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to pin down. Douglas went to Washington to meet Lincoln for the first time. Lincoln behavior towards Douglas revealed much about how he felt about him and views towards black has changed completely. Black man was ever personally invited into white house with respect. As for the growth of Lincoln towards slavery issues on the occasion Douglas felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral convictions towards slavery that had ever seen before Douglas appreciated Lincoln for treating has equal has others at this moment Douglas respected Lincoln which was complete turn around from his blatant outrage expressed publicity through his newspapers. Douglas and Lincoln will meet on different ocasssions to discuss on issues of ex-slave and future in United States because to grow more profound. After emancipation of proclamation, Lincoln still considers colonization as variable option to deal with black presence. But Douglas, black enlistment in military was the strongest opinion and confederacy and to be a part of ennobling and soul enlarger war for black liberation. Douglas and Lincoln after announcement of emancipation proclamation which make Douglas to grow respect admiration of Lincoln deep respect for Lincoln is true bets expressed in the years after his assassination the 21st anniversy of Lincolns death Douglas true feeling comes out our faith in him is often taxed and strained uttermost he later declare that honoring his memory is important because under his rule there was confederate states which is based upon the ideas that the race must be slaves. Douglas understanding Lincoln slowness to deal with slavery issue was necessary caution he put abolitionion of slavery before him a powerful class of America people and ended resistance.douglas and Lincoln had not yet met until summer of 1863 but their relationship was so good and order to understand how Douglas felt about the political climate and Lincoln emancipation was clear that war which brought the two parties together into political ideologies and now which ultimately paved the way for the two to be appreciated and appreciated each other in deep sense and good heart. The fusion of the two political ideologies is not only to indicate that men change greatly in terms of political but also to show the moral and courages people and political ideologies merged because the two now have grown to respect each other deeply Lincoln and Douglas were now in a position to overcome all difficulties they have been undergoing and misconception about the two partners when Lincoln dies he left Douglas his most favorites walking staff as sigh of profound appreciated and gratitude Douglas commented on Lincoln by changing a portrait of him in his home Washington dc the relationship between the two has a milestone in American history that would positively influence future of race solutions. In the manner of Garry wills Lincoln at Gettysburg (1992) James a. colaico study of Fredrick Douglas famous 1852 independence day speech is far more than examination of single -hour speech.Calaico seeks for probe and political social thinking of the most famous African abolitionist and political leader of the 19th century Douglas was the black leader and symbol of his age, but he was thinker and many Americans ignored. Douglas lived more than any other given expressed dilemma facing African Americans they praise independence, constitution which calls for quality to all men. Douglas argument was hypocrisy to Americans who extolled the meaning of July 4th while ignoring the slavery of black Americans.Douglas employed a normal independent to demonstrate hypocrisy. In most of his speeches Douglas was a provider of piercing critique of slavery itself. Douglas was a Jeremiah who employ jeremiad as outline by sacvan bercovitch, constantly calling Americans to abandon their sinful way to fulfill Nobel ideals to declare he was the father founder. The argument that Douglas announced was to the Americans that they need only to adhere to the ideals of America to achieve the greatness inh erent in the institutions. For the reader unversed in the history of abolition movement, the rule of William loud garrison and battles between the moral suasion, and political abolitionists, co-lalacos monograph provides an excellent introduction in a concise well-articulated way the enhances the book without overwhelming the central story of Douglass thinking about America colaiaco also covers the key influenced Douglass thinking and eventually brought on the civil war in 1829,oration outlined mans of the same arguments Douglas used twenty three years later. Douglass lasting achievements was to utilize those arguments to construct both a more profound compelling critique of status and more realistic vision of post slaves America Both Douglas and Lincoln were born poor. Douglas was brought up in his grandmother slave shacks in Talbot County, Maryland and Lincoln was in one-room, cabin in Harding county, Kentucky.Both lost their mothers when they were very young though doulas lost his mother when he was only seven years old Douglas was separated from her mother when he was infant. Lincoln lost his mother due to drink poison in the toxic milk at the age of nine. Both were born in 1809 while Douglas was born in 1818.In terms of standing they have 6 inches taller than most common men in these days. Douglas was a slave under American law but Lincoln was considered as a slave in the beginning of civil war speeches Douglas urged Lincoln in his public speeches and newspaper to allow blacks their rights and to fight for freedom. Both men married women above their social status and this likely helped them with their success. Douglas married his wife Anna Murray on September 15, 1838 she was a free black woman of some m eans five year old son.lincoln married marry Todd on November 1842 she was a daughters of wealthy slare holder from Lexington, both men were gifted orators in a day when speakers were regarded on much the way that many regard sports or movies stars today. Speeches were a form of entertainment as well as education, Lincoln use his gift for oratory to win elections and gain public supports of policies, both would hold several public offices through their lives. After meeting senator Samuel promessors of kansa, secretary of war Edwin Stanton, Douglass arrived at the soldier home when Lincoln was spending the summer. He gave his calling card to sternward and prepare for long wait.lincoln greeted Douglas by saying Mr,dougas I know you I have read about you Douglas impressed by the presidents candor said I was never in any way reminded of humble origin or my unpopular color. Douglas had many meeting with the president in his offices Douglas and Lincoln forged a friendship that would last the rest of Lincolns brief life upons Lincoln death Douglas was implored to speak at a gathering of mourners at the Rochester courthouse of his speech.In 1863 that was the time blacks finally won the right to military services. Fredrick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln met for the first time in Washington dc hoping to meet president to seek for redress for the constitution. Lincolns father hired him out for manual labor to earn money for the family while Douglas was hired out for his masters profit and salves. They both had little education where Douglas began learning to read when he was sent to serve huh auild in Baltimore. Auld wife began to teach Douglas the alphabet.lincoln only attended 18 months of formal schooling from itinerate teaching at frontier school. Both share same basic reading skills and they mostly read bibles. Conclusion In conclusion material both Douglas and Lincoln has however thought many how life his difficult when the rich just want go high day by day. Both men are really of dignity in the other way Lincoln did not initially set out to end slavery but he only meant to preserve the union which he thought union without freeing the slaves would not do .And later I came to realize that In august 10 1863 relationship between Douglas and Lincoln starts to pin down. Douglas went to Washington to meet Lincoln for the first time. Lincoln behavior towards Douglas revealed much about how he felt about him and views towards black has changed completely. Black man was ever personally invited into white house with respect. As for the growth of Lincoln towards slavery issues on the occasion Douglas felt Lincoln showed a deeper moral conviction towards slavery that had ever seen before Douglas appreciated Lincoln for treating has equal has others. Although both did not see each other eye to eye but both did no t find common ground on some issues through mutual respect and civic debate. Most important lessons that can Americans learn from these two great men was that they only disagree without being disagreeable simple respect goes along way and you never now. I understand that both men Douglas and Lincoln were born poor. Douglas was brought up in his grandmother slave shacks in Talbot County, Maryland and Lincoln was in one-room, cabin in Harding County, Kentucky. Both lost their mothers when they were very young though doulas lost his mother when he was only seven years old Douglas was separated from her mother when he was infant. Blight W. David, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln: a relationship in language, politics, and memory, lectures, Marquette University Press, 2001 Blight W. David, Beyond the battlefield: race, memory the American Civil War, University of Massachusetts Press, 2002Carson Clayborne, Emma Jones Lapsansky-Werner, Gary B. Nash, African American lives: the struggle for freedom, African American Lives: The Struggle for Freedom, Clayborne Carson, Pearson Longman, 2004 Marten A. James, More than a contest between armies: essays on the Civil War era, Frank L. Klement Lecture Series, James Alan Marten, A. Kristen Foster, Kent State University Press, 2008 Benson W Thomas. Rhetoric and political culture in nineteenth-century America Issue 6 of Rhetoric and public affairs series,Thomas W. Benson, Michigan State University Press, 1997.Shenk W.Joshua , Lincolns Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006 Guyatt N, Providence and the invention of the United States, Cambridge University Press, 2007 Finkelman P, Encyclopedia of African American history, 1619-1895: from the colonial period to the age of Frederick Douglass, Volume 2, Paul F, Oxford University Press, 2006 Civil War Society, Civil War: the magazine of the Civil War Society, Issues 66-74, Country Publishers, 1998 Douglass F,Douglass monthly, Volumes 4-5,Negro Universities Press, 1862 Thompson E.Julius, The Frederick Douglass encyclopedia, James L. Conyers, Nancy J. Dawson, ABC-CLIO, 2010
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Teacher Leadership as a Change Agent Essay -- york barr,education syst
Teachers have always played one of the most important roles in schools and in the educational histories of most students. One of the greatest challenges facing education systems is implementing the changes that would increase student learning. In this paper, I seek to investigate the traditional views of school reform by redefining the roles teachers can play in school change and thus, increasing student’s learnings outcome. How do we make change happen in education? Considering current framework in light of the ever-changing context of schooling, appear to view classroom-based teachers as having little to no authority, as being incapable of initiating school wide change according to their will. Mostly, teacher has been considered in two roles. The first role of the teacher as a receiver and implementer of the strategies & practices formulated by others, i.e. national policy efforts or principal change initiatives. The second role of the teacher as a leader of official reform initiatives, such as those found in policies created by school district and school level principal. Moreover, both roles of the teacher also place more value on the school’s context rather than on the teacher’s potential to make change independently. Under these prevailing roles of teachers, it is very hard for teachers to initiative for school improvement without the help of traditional school leaders. The time has co me to enforce new role of the teachers that is more consistent with the 21st century’s learning framework and can provide better service to the students, where Teachers are more active than recipients and more central to school improvement than taking the lead on implementing externally-driven reforms. Thus, by studying the two dominant roles ... ... 1993.Change Forces: Probing the depths of educational reform .London: Falmer Press Fullan, M. 2011.The new meaning of educational change. (4th ed.).New York: Teachers College Press. Harris, A .2002.Building the capacity for school improvement. Hargreaves, A. 2007. Five flaws of staff development and the future beyond. Journal of Staff Development 28: 37-38. Jilek, J., Loadman, W., &Derby, L. 1998.ohio’s P-12 systematic educational reform: Implications for the preparation of teachers and administrator. Murphy, J. 2005. Continuing teacher leadership and school improvement .Thousand Oaks, CA: Crownie Press Rogers, E.M. 2003.Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York: Free Press. York-Barr, J. & K. Duke (2004) what do we know about teacher leadership? Findings from two decades of scholarship. Review of educational research 74(3), 255-316.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Greek Mythology Essay Essay
There are many similarities and differences between Greek myths and what Genesis says. One example is the creation of man and the universe. Another example is how the first woman was created and what she was meant for. The last example is the Greek’s account of the flood compared to the Genesis account. The universe was created by thunder according to Greek myth. But in reality it was created by the voice of God saying in Genesis, â€Å"Let there be, and it was†. The word of God was distorted in the Greek myth by saying everything was created with thunder when really God’s voice was like thunder as it says in Job 40:9 â€Å"Do you have an arm like God’s, and can your voice thunder like his?†. Over time, the bible saying God’s voice sounds like thunder may have been perceived as just thunder in the Greek account. This is what may have caused the Greek myths of creation to become so distorted. There are also some similarities and differences between the Genesis and Greek account of the creation of woman. The first woman, Eve, was created out of Adam’s rib as Genesis says in chapter 20 verse 22 â€Å"Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.†Genises also states that Eve was a gift from God to Adam, however, the Greek account states that the first woman, Pandora, was a punishment by God. These are just some of the distortions between the Genises account and the Greek myth. There are many similarities and differences between what the Genises account states and what the Greek account states about the flood. In the Greek account, Zues got angry at the world because of humanity’s sins and wanted to destroy it. He was going to destroy the world with a thunder bolt when he dicided to flood it instead because otherwise heaven would light on fire. Really God never debated how to destroy the world, he just instantly choose to do it with a flood as it says in Genises 6:17, â€Å"I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.†God told Noah to build an ark and to put all living creatures, male and female, onto the ark for he was going to flood the earth. However, in the Greek account Zues never warned humanity of the flood, he just had Posiden flood it and Hades create earthquakes. Two humans found refuge on a mountain that the waters didn’t reach. These are just some examples of the distortions between Greek myth and the Genises account. In conclusion, the Greek account of the creation of man, how the first woman was created and what she was meant for, and their account of the flood compared to the Genises account all have many similarities and differences. One thing that may have caused these distortions of the Genises account is the bible’s use of figurative language and people perceiving it the wrong way.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Psychology Paper Essay
In this paper I am going to be talking about the philosophy of psychology in the 19th century. I am going to be discussing the roots in early philosophy leading into the 19th century that influenced the development of modern psychology, identify philosophers that historically relate to the beginnings of psychology as a formal discipline, identify major philosophers in the western tradition that were primary contributors to the formation of psychology as a discipline and explore the development of the science of psychology during the 19th century. There were several philosophers that historically relate to the beginnings psychology as a formal discipline. John Locke, George Berkeley, David Hume and John Stuart Mill are just a few to mention. John Locke made a distinction between simple and complex. â€Å"Simple ideas resulted from experiencing basic sensory qualities such as yellow, white, heat and so on, and from making simple reflections such as â€Å"pleasant.†A complex idea includes sever ideas, which can be a combination of simple and other complex ideas. Complex ideas are compounds and can be ultimately reduced to simple ones, much as chemical compounds are composed of simple elements.†(Goodwin, 2008). George Berkeley’s work on vision was the first systematic example of how empiricist thinking could be applied to the study of perception. Berkeley tried to show that our perceptions of the distance, size, and locations of objects are judgments that depend entirely on experience. We do not see objects directly; rather we make judgments about them based on visual information and our experiences. Davie Hume came up with the rules of association, that ideas that are similar or happen simultaneously are associated. He proposed three laws: resemblance, contiguity, and cause and effect. David Hartley, another dualist, believed that although the mind and body operated separately but also parallel to each other. He used association in his theory of memories. He believed the â€Å"strength of association relies on repetition†(Goodwin, 2008). John Stuart Mill, known as the â€Å"key transition figure in the shift from the philosophy of the mind to the science of the mind†(Goodwin, 2008), used a chemical rather than mechanical description in our complex ideas are made from simple ones. He believed that the mind was much more active than passive. Mill’s logic consists of the Method of Agreement, Method of Difference, and Joint Method.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
ACT Test Dates 2018-2019
ACT Test Dates 2018-2019 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips At PrepScholar, we constantly review the best data to inform you about future test dates. If you know the future registration dates and test schedule, you can create your study plan and stay organized, allowing you to lessen your stress and reach your target score. In this article, I’ll give you the the ACT test dates for 2018-2019 and explain the factors to think about when choosing your test date. ACT Test Dates for 2018-2019 Here are the anticipated test dates, registration deadlines, and score release dates for 2018-2019. The test dates are confirmed by ACT, Inc., the others are our projections based on historical data. Test Date Deadline Late Deadline Score Release* Sept 8, 2018 Aug 3, 2018 Aug 17, 2018 Sept 18; Oct 2, 2018 Oct 27, 2018 Sept 21, 2018 Oct 5, 2018 Nov 6; Nov 20, 2018 Dec 8, 2018 Nov 2, 2018 Nov 16, 2018 Dec 18, 2018; Jan 1, 2019 Feb 9, 2019 Jan 4, 2019 Jan 18, 2019 Feb 19; Mar 5, 2019 Apr 13, 2019 Mar 8, 2019 Mar 22, 2019 Apr 23; May 7, 2019 June 8, 2019 May 3, 2019 May 17, 2019 June 18; July 2, 2019 July 13, 2019 June 14, 2019 June 21, 2019 July 23; Aug 6, 2019 *= Refers to online score release. The first date is when multiple choice scores come out, and the second one is when complete scores are available. How Accurate Is the Table Above? All of the dates are projected and subject to change. The final schedule will be released within roughly a year of the test dates. However, based on previous years’ dates, this schedule should be close to accurate. The score release dates are the least precise, but they should be within a week of the projected dates. Keep in mind that there's some inconsistency when multiple choice scores come out and not everyone receives them at the same time. How to Choose Your Test Date These are some of the major factors to consider when selecting your ACT test date: Know Your Deadlines! Take the ACT before your earliest college application deadlines. If you apply regular decision, the December test in your senior year will be the last test you can take for most colleges. If you apply early, the last test you can take may be in October or November of your senior year. Also, if you're hoping to get any scholarships that consider your ACT score, you’ll need to have your test score before the scholarship deadlines. How Many Times Do You Want to Take the ACT? Because most students increase their scores when they retake the ACT, you should give yourself an opportunity to take the test multiple times. Generally, we suggest first taking the ACT in the fall of your junior year. Then you can retake it in the spring of your junior year and the fall of your senior year if necessary. How Long Do You Plan to Study? When selecting your test date, figure out how long you’ll need to study and ensure you’ll be able to sufficiently prepare before you take the test. If you take both the September and October tests without doing any studying in between, your score probably won’t improve much. Do You Have Conflicts With Any Test Dates? Check to see if you have any potential conflicts on or around any of the ACT test dates. Maybe the February date is on the same day as your orchestra concert. Or perhaps you want to avoid the June test date because you’ll be focused on your finals. Even if it's challenging to find a time when you can fully dedicate yourself to the ACT, you should try to pick the best test dates for you. What's Next? Still not sure when you should take the ACT? Find out if you should pick the next available date. Even if you know when you want to take the ACT, learn more about where you should take it. Finally, read about our tips for signing up for the ACT. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Saint Marie and The red convertible by Louise Erdrich Essay
Saint Marie and The red convertible by Louise Erdrich - Essay Example While comparing the pieces of the same writer, the particular style incorporated within the context of theme and other literary devices used elaborately, the time and perspective of that particular writer and ages from which the pieces have evolved out, become more pertinent. Louise Erdrich is a veteran writer who has a remarkable and considerable contribution in the domain of children’s literature projecting Native American heritage. Her remarkable short story â€Å"The Red Convertible†and one of the most anthologized short stories appeared as the second chapter in her debut novel â€Å"Love Medicine†was published in the year 1984. It contains a series of fourteen short stories entwined by common characters, themes and settings. In the year 1993, Erdrich expended the collection with the four more stories and this anthology depicts the true colour of Dakota, its people and life style. Saint Marie, on the other hand, is a narrative based on the life of a convert ed Marie Lazzare who narrates the vents of her recent transformation to Catholicism and her story of sainthood, fifty years following the occurrence of the vent. The story takes place in the flash-back oscillating between past and present of Marie (Erdrich, â€Å"Saint Marie†). Thesis Statement Presentation or narrative style of any story helps in understanding the insight of the writer and the perception related with the story. This essay intends to examine and compare the narrative style of two short stories, â€Å"The Red Convertible†and â€Å"Saint Marie†written by Louise Erdrich that shall result into the understanding of the insight and treatment of the theme, society, age and myriad psychological and social factors interplaying within the narrative framework of these stories. â€Å"Saint Marie†and â€Å"The Red Convertible†: An Insight through Narration A comparative study of the narrative techniques of the stories, â€Å"The Red Convert ible†and â€Å"Saint Marie†would definitely launch the readers into a clear perspective of writer’s social and psychological thought as it would get evidently expressed through her narration. â€Å"Saint Marie†is a story that adapts a chronological order for narration and at the same time, the device of flashback is also used and incorporated within the narrative framework of the story largely. An elderly character of the story named Marie Kaspaw presents the outline of the events that occurred in the fourteenth year of a young and vibrant girl named Marrie Lazzare. Actually, the subtlety of the technique used in this story by Erdrich is that Marie Kaspaw and Marie Lazzare is same person divided in their identity by events of life. The narrative is presented in a mode of flashback where the readers are presented with Lazzare who is a young girl full with energy wishing to enter a local convent. While playing the role of a narrator, the character is seen presenting subtle clues regarding the course of events that is a disastrous one in Marie’s life. At the same time, the narrator has the capacity to withhold the interest of the readers by unveiling and slowly unfolding the course of actions. This way a considerable interest in the plot development is retained. For the contemporary readers, Erdrich has a proper blend of realism and use of evocative visual imagery in her narrative frame work. The most important aspect of the narrative style of â€Å"Saint Marie†is the process of psychological realism operating throughout the plot to uphold a very sensitive social issue like conversion and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Formative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Formative - Essay Example For all these reasons, television is a good source of health information. There has been a remarkable reduction in diseases and an overarching improvement in the living standards of people all over the world in general and in the advanced countries in particular ever since the introduction of television in the society. â€Å"Among the nations that receive the greatest amounts of international assistance in health, education, child rights, ecology and the environment, many now contain 20 to 40 million or more individuals who regularly see TV†(Palmer). Television has helped raise awareness about behaviors and practices that are unhygienic. The programs, television shows, and documentaries shown on television not only educate people on the factors causing diseases, but also create awareness about the measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of contracting diseases. Television has promoted health information on a variety of levels. People are educated not only through shows and documentaries, but also the ads supporting those shows create a wealth of information for the audience. Even a milk ad starts with how bones need calcium, how bones lose strength with age, and what nutrients are essential for the bones to maintain their density and strength as one ages. Then the ad suggests the consumption of milk of a certain brand because it contains those essential minerals and nutrients that bones need. Many ads also refer to reliable research results in an attempt to support their claims. Some of the best sources of health information are exercise and yoga practices that are described in the television shows. People can follow the trainers without having to pay them or leave their homes to join a training center. This makes it very convenient as well as cost-effective for them to do exercise daily. Such shows have a huge impact on the audiences’ perceptions of health and fitness because they can see
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Economy of Bahrain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Economy of Bahrain - Essay Example Petroleum production and processing are the main exports of Bahrain. The economic conditions of the country have depended on the price of oil. Bahrain's infrastructure is highly developed. Many multinational firms have their head offices in the country. The country also exports petroleum products. The construction industry is also a major source of revenue for the government. Bahrain has a GDP per capita of $20,500 according to research conducted in 2005. It has a purchasing parity of $14.08 billion. Bahrain is a prosperous country by regional standards. It has pursued a neutral foreign policy and is famous for its tolerance. It is the fastest growing economy in the Arab world. It has a large population of international expatriates. Despite an impressive standard of living, Bahrain suffers from poverty and poor living conditions. At least 20,000 families receive financial assistance from Ministry of Labor and private organizations. Recent studies have found that the poverty income threshold is Bahraini Dinar 209 per month. The poverty level for Bahrain is at least a quarter of the total population. At least 200,000 people suffer from poor living conditions. Many people do not have decent housing. More than 30,000 families with low incomes have inadequate housing facilities. The average income has been increasing but the poverty rate has also increased. The The rise in poverty has been attributed to corruption, poor planning, low wages, influx of foreign workers and income inequalities. Further a small group of wealthy and powerful people dominate the economy. These are considered as major obstacles to real reforms. Large areas of land have been taken over by powerful people. This has caused property prices to increase and put tremendous pressure on low income people. Poverty is clearly causing an adverse impact on society. Crime, divorce rate and increase in workers working in poor conditions are direct results of poverty (Moore, 45). Income distribution Compared with other regional countries, Bahrain has a low poverty rate. However most of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of the Sunni minority. The average daily expenditure is US$13.9 per person in Bahrain. This is compared with an average income of 12.8 dollars. The reason is that Bahrain has a negative savings level at the national level. Bahrain's population does not suffer from poverty compared with regional countries. Research has shown that 12 percent of the population has an average income of less than five dollars per person. The expenditure required by a Bahraini to sustain basic expenses is an estimated US$42 per month. Majority of Bahrain's population lives in apartments while the remaining owns their houses. The average Bahraini also has ownership of electronic appliances and amenities which show that the majority of families enjoy an impressive standard of living (National Accountant, 34). Economic growth rate Bahrain's economic growth rate has increased in 2007. It has been bolstered by high oil prices and increase in non oil exports. The financial sector remains the main part of the economy. The government is also addressing issues like unemployment and rising crime. The economy has registered a 7.0% growth in 2007. The growth rate is expected to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
300 - a Gender Analysis Essay Example for Free
300 a Gender Analysis Essay Gender The film industry has created the conventional gender roles of society into their movies; A majority of films have supported some of the male and female stereotypes. In the history of the film industry, the role of men is primarilythat of the stereotypical working class man or hero, while the roles of women are primarily portrayed as being somewhat inferior to men. In the 1930s through the 1970s, men held the leading roles in films while women played smaller roles. Men were typically employed, successful gentlemen, while the woman’s only job was a housewife. The film industry was mostly dominated by men. In terms of jobs, women were given mostly family roles and rarely were shown outside of their homes, while men had successful careers and did many activities outside of home. â€Å"Women were shown doing housework and men were the beneficiaries of their work†(â€Å"Women’s roles in the film industry†Women in film). As women were given a more active role in society, the gender roles in movies changed. However, many types of gender stereotypes in films still exist. Action genre movies in particular account for many of the gender stereotypes in the film industry today. Men are typically portrayed to be the hero, while women are often portrayed as sexual objects. In the movie 300, the Spartan men served and protected the city of Sparta, while the Spartan women did domestic chores and bred more warriors. Because this movie was set back in 480 BC society portrayed men to be superior to women. Some of the main characters in 300 are prime examples for the different gender roles. King Leonidas is the proud, triumphant King of Sparta. In the film, the character Leonidas possesed as a couple different male stereotypes. King Leonidas is portrayed as the hero throughout the different action sequences. Throughout the movie Leonidas takes charge of his troops and leads them into battle. Leonidas is hero not only because he is the King of Sparta, but also because he is the commander of the troops. Before King Leonidas leaves for battle with his three-hundred Spartans, he confronts his wife and refrains from saying â€Å"My queen, my life, my love,†because he, like all other Spartans, is not soft and does not want to show emotion to his queen (Zack Snyder. 00). The narrator speaks of how Spartan men are raised like brutes and are â€Å"hard warriors†(Zack Snyder. 300). This particular phrase is important to the story because it reflects the gender role of men during that time period. King Leonidas can also be classified as the family man stereotype. Throughout the film he trains his young son for battle. He plays the role of protector not only for his individual family, but also for Spart a. In the movie 300, King Leonidas represents many male stereotypes. In contrast, the character Queen Gorgo stands for many female stereotypes in the movie. The queen portrays the domestic female stereotype. In the film Queen Gorgo cares for her young son and stays at home while her husband, King Leonidas, is fighting for their country. Like many of the women in the film, Queen Gorgo performs many domestic tasks such as retrieving food and water for her family, as well as looking after her child. Queen Gorgo is also a sex object. She is easily seduced by her King. She bribesone of the councilmen with sex. At times in the film the Queen, among many other women, wear little clothing. The 300 Spartans also wear little clothing in the film. Due to the lack of clothing, the Spartans show their ripped and brute physique to reinforce the male stereotype of being brawny and strong. Lastly, the queen represents the female stereotype of beauty. The queen is an attractive woman with a small frame, much like how the media portrays what a woman should look like. Her attractive looks and sexual qualities are a large part of Queen Gorgo’s character. Queen Gorgo represents an abundance of the female stereotypes in society. The captain of the Spartan troops also shows male stereotypes. The captain is a close ally of King Leonidas. Throughout the film, the captain portrays the male stereotype of being a family man. The captain’s son, Astinos, is barely old enough to be in battle with the Persians. The captain is skeptical of allowing his son to enter battle, but decides to encourage him to serve their country. Throughout the different battles with the Persians, the captain protects his son from harm. When Astinos is killed by Persians, the captain goes on an extremely violent tirade and kills every Persian in sight due to his overpowering vengeance. After the death of his son, the captain proclaims to the king that his heart is filled with hate, and King Leonidas replies â€Å"Good. †King Leonidas feels that it is necessary for a soldier to feel hatred toward his enemies. This particular scene portrays another male characteristic of not showing emotion towards a certain subject. The captain is another character that shows the male stereotype present in this film. Although many of the characters in the movie portray the prevalent male and female stereotypes in society, there are a few characters that stray away from these social formalities. Councilman Theron is an example of one of the characters that does not abide to the brute and warrior stereotypes in the film 300. Theron is no older than the Spartan men who fight for their city, but he lacks the physical strength that the Spartan warriors possess. Because Theron is not a typical man in Sparta, he wears a gown that is similar to the gowns worn by Spartan women. Along with Councilman Theron, there are other men that are on the council of Sparta. These men are far less in physical size than the Spartan warrior and are given duties that are similar to women. The men in the council are unique to the majority of men in Sparta that serve their city. Since the men wear â€Å"woman-like†clothing, it labels women’s apparel to be very revealing. These men reinforce some of the women stereotypes prevalent in the film. There are also some specific scenes in the movie that break some of the male and female stereotypes. Directly after Astinos is killed in battle, the Captain begins to break down and cry. The captain immediately showed his emotion for the loss of his son. This scene in the movie shows how even the most masculine man has to show some emotion at some point in time. In the end of the battle against the Persians, after King Leonidas has been shot by many arrows, he stands up and shouts, â€Å"My queen, my life, my love†(Zack Snyder. 300). This phrase is contradictory to the general actions of Spartans, and men in general, because it shows emotion. Both of these sequences in the film show how every man must show emotion, regardless of who they are. 300 demonstrated the many male and female stereotypes in society. Although most of the men were relatively similar, there were a few men in Sparta who went against the normal gender role. Like many other action movies, 300 showed various roles that supported some of the gender roles in the film industry. The main characters primarily demonstrated the conventional gender roles, but they also expressed some contradictory qualities. The film industry provides arious different types of gender roles through movies. advertising. Home | Saint Marys College, Notre Dame, IN. 20 Apr. 2009 ;lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfx Women in Film. Yahoo! GeoCities: Get a free web site with easy-to-use site building tools. 20 Apr. 2009 ;lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfw 300 Movie Spartans. Mens Movie Guide. 20 Apr. 2009 ;lt; http://www. diigo. com/05lfv 300 (Widescreen Single Disc Edition). Dir. Zack S nyder. Perf. Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. DVD. Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution, Warner Bros. Pictures International, 2006.
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