Friday, May 22, 2020
Personal Narrative My Education Essay - 646 Words
Personal Narrative My Education Public school systems need to be more sensitive to their students. Parents play the major role in determining a child’s academic outcome, but the school system needs to notice children who don’t necessarily acknowledge their gift. These children need guidance -- I believe it is the schools’ responsibility to provide it to them. I have been through a situation that makes me feel strongly about the subject. My example is an indisputable case in point. Math is my forte. By the time I was six or seven, I fully comprehended the concept of variables and algebraic expressions. Its fascinating to me that when I pick up a math text book, as long as I can pick up on a concept that I have already seen, I can†¦show more content†¦I was considered a middle-average student. I only averaged a low C in grade school and middle school math. Why? I was bored with it. Doing long division in your head is stupid. So freshman algebra rolled around and I loved it. After two weeks in the class I was three and one half chapters ahead of the teacher. He would only assign the odd problems for homework, but I’d do them all. Geometry was even cooler. But thinking back, not one of the teachers even commended me for doing so well. My father noticed I was good at it, but I thought he had to tell me I was good; he was my father. The next year, my junior year, I started to become a more social person. Not having the proper guidance to balance my education and social life, I started slacking. I pretty much gave up on school, moved out of my parents’ house at 17, and thought I had the world figured out. Somehow I still managed to graduate with a 3.2, but I never gave college a half a thought. I was busy being an idiot. My father always encouraged me to do well in school, and he was very proud of me. He always told me the importance of math and how being good at it would offer me a good career, but I was a teenager. To me, him telling me to do my math so I can get a good job ranked right next to him telling me to take out the trash. I needed more encouragement. I needed proof that math was actually used for something. Not one teacher ever pulled me aside and said, Hey you’re good at this. ThisShow MoreRelatedMy Family And Education Is Important For Your Future1221 Words  | 5 Pagesthemes in my family’s narrative. The first theme in society that contradicts the values of my family is homosexuality. As mentioned above, religion is a large part of my family, therefore, homosexuality is not part of the catholic religion. With that being said my family has a strong opinion and belief about same sex relationships. The second theme compliments my family’s values and that is gettin g and education. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
English as a Medium of Instruction - 3396 Words Filipino vs. English as the medium of instruction The English vs. Filipino debate is once again a hot topic. A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court challenging the government?s policy of using English as the medium of instruction in our schools. According to those who filed the petition, the push for the use of English in our classrooms will only lead to further deterioration of what?s already been described as a rather inferior quality of education. Those who support the 2003 Executive Order filed by President Arroyo on the other hand argue that doing away with English as the medium of instruction will inevitably hurt the country and our people more because they†¦show more content†¦Right from the start, when Spain claimed the Philippines as its colony in 1521, it was clear how the Spaniards thought of their mission. They called the natives indios or Indians, and set out to redeem their savage and ignorant souls with religion - Roman Catholicism. More than three centuries and a bloody revolution later, the indios had wholeheartedly embraced Catholicism, but just as wholeheartedly rejected Spanish rule. By this time, only the Filipino rich and educated elite were literate in Spanish. Ironically, from this same exclusive set came the founders of a secret society that pushed for reform and independence. In 1898, after a mock battle at Manila Bay, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States. Although there was also a b loody but short-lived Philippine-American Revolution, it took a shorter time for the Americans to pacify and befriend the Filipinos. Unlike Spains strategy, Americas means of attack and assimilation was not religion. It was mass education. Thus, less than half a century later, the Filipinos hadShow MoreRelatedEnglish As A Medium Instruction Essay6511 Words  | 27 PagesEnglish as a Medium Instruction (EMI) English as a medium of instruction has developed as a global trend for a range of reasons. Nowadays EMI is truly a global phenomenon. In this literature review, I look at the historical backgrounds of EMI in three periods prior to a global phenomenon. What is more, I reflect upon the current developments of EMI at tertiary education focusing on the spread of EMI into the global universities, EMI in European universities, EMI in Asian universities and EMI inRead MoreEnglish As A Medium Of Instruction Worldwide1836 Words  | 8 Pagesregions. This has had a significant impact on the use of English as a medium of instruction worldwide. The following essay presents an overview of how English is used in higher education institutions in both Malaysia and China. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Masters program application essay Free Essays
My first foray into the cutthroat world of office work was at the office of Verizon Wireless. Here I served as an account manager and was assigned various tasks relating to accounts management. The work involved required me to seek out and win over new clients for the business as well as maintaining the company relationship with the already existing client base. We will write a custom essay sample on Masters program application essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was at Verizon Wireless where I learned the various ways of dealing with clients. I learned how to satisfy the clients needs even if it seemed to be an almost impossible task. The experience I gained at Verizon Wireless can be considered to be highly valuable people skills that led me to believe that it would be possible for me to venture out on my own. The work path I was traversing at the time led me to take a chance on starting up a company based on sole proprietorship. Out of the many business ideas I had in mind, I settled on starting a small business that I could hopefully develop into a moneymaking machine. Thus, Setra Logistics was born. At Setra, I became involved in developing a management company that centered within the importation, exportation, and transportation business. The company’s first business venture was doing local transport for auto auctions as well as shipping small cargo overseas. I ended up taking a loss at that time but I was not bothered because I felt that I was growing as a person and enhancing my management skills. Over time, I began employing more people and I learned to manage their individual work ethics and beliefs in life in order to bring out their full potential for the benefit of the company. Through sheer hard work, patience, and perseverance, I managed to guide the company into a time of growth and at present the company is now a full fledged transport company boasting of an international clientele based throughout Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. All these companies use our services for importing goods from the USA. Within the USA, we also have our own transport fleet that deals in transporting goods within the US. My biggest accomplishment to date though is that I managed to find partner companies overseas who can help hasten our logistics process in the aforementioned regions. At Setra Logistics, I manage a group of 7 employees of various genders, race, and nationality. It is because of the confidence I developed over the years here that I found the inner strength to try and establish another business venture. It is true that running a business alone is time consuming and 100% stressful but I have found that in the particular line of business Setra is in, it is best managed alone. Later one, I realized that I was starting to outgrow Setra Logistics and needed something new to tweak my interest. After a get together with some other business minded people, we agreed to pool our resources together and established ACS ATm, Incorporated. Along with my partner, I am now heavily involved in the ATM machine and ISO clearinghouse business. ACS ATm is a company that specializes in ATM machine installation as well as credit card services. My company is quite active in the New York Metro area. My partners and I share the same vision of the future for ACS. We all look forward to managing the business so well, that, in the near future, it will become a leading processor for automated Teller machine software and hardware worldwide. Along with 3 other managers, our goal is to learn the ins and outs of the ATM transaction processing business and then, develop out own innovative ideas and products that will change the ATM transaction processing procedures worldwide. Our plans for the future are not limited to simply operating ATM machines and merchant services. Eventually, my managerial partners and I would like to become the brains behind tapping the remaining 70% of untapped electronic cash markets using cutting-edge and highly innovative ideas and products worthy of being tagged as 21st century banking and e-commerce trendsetters In the retrospect, I have to say that I am well versed in the languages of team and individual management. I am a skilled manager who can either run my own company, or develop a totally new company along with others who share my business visions. At Setra, I run a well oiled machine all by myself while at ACS, I learn to meet other managers halfway in order to achieve a greater success in the business venture.   How to cite Masters program application essay, Essay examples
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